WHEREAS it is expedient to set up a welfare organization for the senior citizens of Hayatabad in the manner hereinafter appearing;
NOW THEREFORE, it is decided to form the Senior Citizens’ Forum Hayatabad.
1. (i) This Forum may be called the Senior Citizens' Forum, Hayatabad.(ii) It extends to the whole of Hayatabad; and(iii) It shall come into force at once.
2. In this constitution, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them, that is to say:
a. Chairman, means ‘Chairman” of the Forum.
b. Executive Body means ‘Executive Body” of the Forum consisting of the following:
(i) Chairman
(ii) Vice Chairman
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Treasurer
(v) Press Secretary; and
(vi) Members of the Executive Body.
c. Forum means the Senior Citizens' Forum Hayatabad.
d. Member means a Member of the Forum and includes office bearers of the Executive Body.
e. Honorary Member means a Member who has been conferred membership of the Forum.
f. General Body means all members of the Forum.
3. Aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of the Forum shall be as under:
a. It shall be a non-political and non-profitable body component and shall have powers to acquire and hold property, shall have perpetual succession and common seal and shall by the same name sue and be sued.
b. To promote social justice and to eradicate social evils from Hayatabad.
c. To help in establishment of libraries, reading rooms and recreation centers in various sectors of Hayatabad.
d. To endeavor against narcotics and other social evils.
e. To take steps to facilitate keep the environment free of pollution.
f. To promote social and economic well being of members of the forum and residents of Hayatabad.
g. To express solidarity with the residents of Hayatabad on occasions of death and other calamities.
h. To liaise with other federal and provincial organizations formed for the welfare of pensioners.
4. Membership
(i) Retired officers of the Federal and Provincial governments, Local Bodies, Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous bodies residing at Hayatabad shall be eligible to become members of the Forum provided they agree with the aims and objectives of the Forum and apply for membership in the prescribed form (Annex-A); provided further that the Executive Body approves the membership. Provided further that in exceptional cases, the Executive Body shall have special powers to allow any person to become a member/ honorary member of the Forum if he subscribes to the aims and objectives of the Forum.
(ii) Every member shall be required to pay an enrolment fee of Rs. 500/- and monthly membership of Rs. 50/- or Rs. 500/- annual fee, if paid in advance. These rates may be revised by the General Body. Failure to pay membership subscription fee consecutively for a period of six months shall render the membership as having been ceased automatically. Honorary members shall, however, not be required to pay enrolment fee or monthly subscription.
(iii) A person may resign his membership by tendering resignation to the Chairman.
5. Executive Body
a. There shall be an Executive Body of the Forum consisting of the following:
(i) Chairman
(ii) Vice Chairman
(iii) Secretary
(iv) Treasurer
(v) Press Secretary
(vi) Members of the Executive Body; three or any number as decided by the General Body.They shall be elected for a period of one year according to the Gregorian calendar ending on 31st of December each year. They shall not be eligible for re-election for more than two consecutive terms. The tenure of the first Executive Body shall, however, expire on 31st December, 1998.
b. An individual member of the Executive Body or the entire Executive Body may resign by tendering resignation to the Chairman. He/ it shall, however, continue to hold office until his/ its successor(s) enter upon office.
6. Election of the Executive Body
(i) The normal election to the office bearers of the Executive Body may be held not earlier than 30 days and not later than 15 days before the expiration of the term of the Chairman and Executive Body in office.
(ii) The election of the office bearers of the Executive Body shall be conducted in the General Body meeting on the basis of simple majority, provided that the elections would be valid only if at least half the members of the Forum are present in the Forum meeting.
(iii) In case valid elections as at para 6(ii) above are not held, the incumbent Executive Body shall continue to function till valid elections are held. However, Executive Body will convene another meeting of the General Body to elect the new Executive Body not later than a fortnight after the last meeting of the General Body.
7. Removal of Executive Body
The Chairman or an individual member of the Executive Body or Executive Body en bloc, may be removed from the office in the following manner:
Not less than 1/3rd of the total membership of the Forum may give to the Secretary of the Forum written notice of its intention to move a resolution in the General Body meeting for the removal of individual member of the Executive Body/ the entire Executive Body. Such notice shall set out the particulars of the charges against him/ it. The Secretary shall transmit a copy of the same to the Chairman within 3 days and convene a meeting of the General Body not earlier than 7 days or not later than 14 days after the receipt of the notice. If a resolution is passed at the meeting of the General Body by votes not less than simple majority of the membership, the individual member of the Executive Body or entire Executive Body, as the case may be, shall cease to hold office immediately. He/ it shall, however, notwithstanding the expiration of their term continue to hold office until his/ its successor(s) enter upon office.
8. Chairman
There shall be a Chairman of the Forum. He shall have the following duties:
(i) He shall be the chief executive of the Forum.
(ii) He shall have the powers to hire and fire employees of the Forum.
(iii) He shall be responsible for the administration, social welfare and organizational activities of the Forum.
(iv) He shall report to the General Body, the cases of the office bearers of the Executive Body who are either not performing their duties or are involved in activities prejudicial to the aims and objectives of the Forum.(v) He shall be competent to sanction suitable expenditure not exceeding Rs. 2000/- per month in connection with affairs of the Forum. He shall obtain approval of the expenditure in the next meeting of the General Body.
(vi) He shall take appropriate steps that the activities of the Forum achieve the objectives laid down in the constitution.
(vii) He shall arrange to convene all meetings of the General Body at least once in every 3 months, viz. 1st week of January, April, July, October and in December each year. He shall also convene special meetings if required.
9. Vice-Chairman
He shall assist the cm in the performance of his duties and shall, in the absence of cm, perform his functions and shall preside over the meetings of Executive Body, General Body and special meetings.
10. Secretary
He shall be responsible for:
(i) Convening meetings of the General Body, special meetings and Executive Body meetings in consultation with the cm and to maintain their record.
(ii) Draw up agenda for all the meetings.
(iii) Prepare, maintain and record the minutes of all the meetings.
(iv) Carry out all the correspondence of the Forum.
11. Treasurer
The duties of the Treasurer shall be as under:
(i) Sign cheques to meet the day to day expenditure.
(ii) Maintain proper accounts of the Forum including cash book and the cheque books.
(iii) Prepare the annual budget of the Forum and statement of Accounts for placement before the General Body meetings.
(iv) Open and operate a cash account in a scheduled bank.
(v) Keep impress money not exceeding Rs. 1000/- only to meet day to day expenditure.
12. Press Secretary
He shall be responsible for:
(i) Publicity of the activities through mass media.
(ii) Coordinate with other government and non-government organizations to achieve the aims and objectives of the Forum.
13. Members of the Executive Body
They shall assist the other office bearers of the Executive Body in achieving the aims and objectives of the Forum and perform any functions assigned to them by the Executive Body.
14. Funds
The Forum shall have proper funds. These shall be generated through enrolment fee, monthly subscriptions from the members and voluntary donations.
15. Meetings of the General Body
General Body shall consist of all the members at the given time. The Secretary shall convene all the meetings of the General Body in consultation with the cm. the meetings of the General Body shall, however, be regularly convened in the 1st week of January, April, July and October each year for the following:
(i) Review the achievements of the Forum during the preceding period.(ii) To consider removal of any problems facing the Forum.
(iii) To consider any other proposal made by the members.
(iv) In the meeting of the General Body to be held in December, election of the office bearers of the Executive Body shall be held. In addition, the expenditure incurred since 1st January, the budget for the next calendar year shall also be examined and approved.
(v) Special meetings may also be convened by the Secretary in consultation with the cm to consider solution to any emergent problem arising at a particular time.
16. Amendments in constitution
No amendment in the constitution shall be effective unless passed by 2/3rd majority of the members. If an amendment has been approved, it shall be presented to the cm for his assent/ countersignature. The latter shall do the needful not later tan 7 days of the presentation of amendment to him. If he fails to do so, he shall be deemed to have assented to have assented thereto at the expiration of that period. The constitution shall stand amended in accordance with the terms thereof.
17. Rules
For purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this constitution, the General Body of the Forum shall have the powers to make rules on all or any of the matters consistent with the constitution.
18. Approval
This constitution has been approved in the meeting of the General Body held on 17th June, 1997.
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